Café Britt started the way most of our days do: with the search for great coffee. Although Costa Rica has been producing some of the world’s best coffee for more than one hundred years, before Britt, all gourmet coffee was exported. Costa Ricans and visitors to the country only had access to the lower-quality beans reserved for domestic consumption. But where many people would have seen a barrier, Café Britt saw an opportunity. Fast forward more than thirty years, and Café Britt not only roasts the best coffee from Costa Rica, but also from Perú, Ecuador, Mexico, Brazil, and Colombia. With fewer than 350 employees, we are dedicated to continuously improve and innovate our product line, which currently has more than 500 gourmet products including coffee, chocolate, and cookies. We are particularly proud of our reputation as a socially and environmentally responsible company, focusing on the well-being of our employees, our community, and the environment.